I received this request, via e-mail, today. I've already participated and it would be nice if you could help out in Tre's project.
You are invited to participate in the Trans Gender Embodied States of Recognition research project, which explores recognition and experiences using personal identification documentation (IDs). The survey, which may take 10 to 30 minutes to complete, includes questions about your gender identification, IDs and experiences using them, name and pronoun recognition, your transition-related decisions, how you have felt in the past week, and basic demographic information.
https://www.surveymonkey.com/ s/TG_States_of_Recognition
As a transguy, I am personally affected and committed to positive contributions regarding trans research. My goal is to provide information that can be used by social justice advocates to help improve our lives. One benefit of this research includes contributing to existing gaps in current research on recognition. Specifically, I hope to provide more evidence and support of the diversity among trans people in order to expand our legal recognition.
Please feel free to contact me or my advisor with any questions you may have about this research or your participation. I may be reached by email at tlwentli@maxwell.syr.edu. My advisor, Andrew London, may be reached by telephone at (315) 443-3252 or by email atanlondon@maxwell.syr.edu. If you have any further questions regarding your rights as a participant, or if you have any questions, concerns, or complaints that you would like to address to someone other than the investigator and project advisor, or you cannot reach either, you may contact the Syracuse University Office of Research and Integrity Protections by phone at (315) 443-3013. This research has been approved by the Syracuse University IRB (reference # 11-125).
Your participation is deeply appreciated.
Tre Wentling, PhD Candidate
Syracuse University
Department of Sociology, 302 Maxwell Hall
Syracuse, New York 13244
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